… because there are people out here putting it all on the table. willing to grow and be uncomfortable to be transformative and connect. It’s about nurturing that space. We work to be a baseline support system in the transition towards healing and liberatory decision making.


We work with institutions and organizations involved in the breath and life of our economy and development, those engaged in our neighborhoods and impacting our families. THE HUMAN ROOT inspires work with clients desiring to pivot from old and harmful ways of practicing power by organizing and centering spaces with deep-humanity, accountability, long-term strategy and ACTION.


We lead restorative sessions, intensives, and retreats by supporting communities to expand their consciousness, accountability, and vision. We use healing and justice practices to secure and hold a container for this work. We build our journey of development with a baseline of awareness of the breath and authentic connection to intentional dialogue and transparency.

We invite participants learning with THR to move themselves from empathy to action in order to build relationships that thrive on justice, equity (“everyone gets what they need”) and love as a form of resistance to racist values ingrained in our environments and behaviors. We invite participants to experience understanding the interruption of our racialized system of wealth, power, and privilege as a means to dream new and alternative ways the grow the communities we work and learn in.


THR collectively utilizes a wide array of academic research, social skills, professional tools, practices as well as experiential learning and teaching to widen the spectrum of understanding equity issues such as race, gender, sexuality and class.  A community can dream through the process of acknowledging needs and areas of growth with authentic analysis and reflection. We facilitate co-curating action and building EQUITY through:

  • policy analysis,

  • constructive Decision Making &

  • Measurable Action Development



We organize in acknowledgement of the inalienable and inborn rights of all human beings and citizens, the right of all people and individuals to equal protection before the law of their civil rights, without discrimination on the basis of bias’ and -isms. Race and class formation and the misuse of power, as socially constructed characters of society, are instruments in personal development experienced greatly through the school and work experience. It is integral to transformative change of historically oppressed and marginalized people to have those in positions of power Understand oppressive institutional systems in the historical context of culture economy and politics.


Because of challenges within an Emerging Market we create clear, specific and realistic goals for each tailored curriculum and service based on the support needs specific to the organization. We provide post-series assessment to management describing feedback from participants and opportunities for future work. Make sure that the training is part of a larger organizational effort to increase equity.


As a form of resistance to the the purpose of white supremacy to maintain and defend a racialized system of wealth, power, and privilege participants of THR learn to move themselves from empathy to action in order to build relationships that thrive on justice, equity (“everyone gets what they need”) and love. All engaging with THR are co-conspiring the emergence of possibility to transformative development as a part of the vision towards justice and accountability in their world. To transform across the “The Culture Line” and the systemic conflict of societal discriminatory behavior and the systems they manifest, visions of success are centered in Critical Race Theory, Responsiveness and Inclusivity.


Social learning processes are increasing in popularity. Industries are moving away from a top-down “expert” dispersing information model and towards a coaching/thinking partner model. By guiding social emotional learning and deep engagement with participants, communities can closely examine systems, structures and the expectations of one another and the communities they serve.

A core component of social and emotional competence is connectivity and the ability to empathize with people that are having a different experience than you. 

It is from this place of deep empathy for others that we tap into the human root and move people and organizations towards action - building communities that thrive on equity.  

As a unique tool for the industry of education and professional development we use social and emotional development as the foundation of our mindfulness framework. We provide these unique tools to contextualize and dismantle systems that divide people while highlighting the core similarities that connect all people in their humanity.

The Human Root works to build healthy relationships between people by increasing social, emotional and cultural competency needed to support all stakeholders. The services offered by The Human Root improves long terms staff retention and development, community engagement, and organizational impact.